Binge Drinking in South Africa, Find Solutions and Support

The culture of binge drinking in South Africa faces many challenges. Alcohol abuse deeply ingrained into national pasttimes and social lives.

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In South Africa, a deep-seated culture of binge drinking spans across the nation, transcending community lines and rivaling even the country’s official national sports in popularity. This widespread issue is complex with roots in various social, cultural and historical factors.

Despite South Africa’s ranking of 58th in global per capita alcohol consumption, a significant portion of the population abstains from drinking.

This suggests that those who do drink, engage in excessive consumption.

In a study conducted in South Africa as part of a larger International Alcohol Control effort, about 1920 adults who drink alcohol, aged 18 to 65 and mostly male (62%), were surveyed. This research aimed to understand their drinking habits across various locations, focusing on 955 people divided into heavy (510) and lighter (445) drinking categories. Interestingly, over half of those surveyed (53%) were classified as heavy drinkers.

The 2020 hard lockdown’s alcohol ban led to a significant drop in contact crimes, demonstrating alcohol’s influence on public safety. The South African government considers regulatory changes like raising the legal drinking age to 21 and restricting alcohol advertising to combat these issues.

The study also looked into the public’s support for different alcohol-related policies. Support levels varied widely, from as low as 31% to as high as 77% with a significant number of policies (11 out of 13) receiving more than half the participants’ backing. The most popular policies involved raising the legal drinking age to 21, which saw a 77% approval rate and initiatives aimed at curbing drink-driving with support ranging from 58% to 76%. Measures to limit the availability of alcohol also saw substantial backing (60% to 66%).

Despite political debates, the need for effective alcohol control measures is evident to address the extensive health, social and economic costs of alcohol abuse in South Africa.

The consequences of this binge drinking culture are far-reaching affecting more than just the individuals involved; it contributes to a high rate of road accidents, domestic violence and other alcohol-related incidents.

Heavy drinking is a significant factor in leading causes of death, including heart disease, cancer and strokes. Additionally, alcohol plays a role in nearly half of all traffic deaths in South Africa with about 170 daily fatalities linked to alcohol-related illnesses.

Alcoholism, defined as a treatable dependency on alcohol, presents itself through various behaviors, including drinking to excess, experiencing blackouts and regretting actions taken while under the influence.

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The impact of alcoholism extends to families, causing considerable distress. It’s estimated that the lives of 16 people are negatively impacted by each alcoholic. Furthermore, close to 20% of children under 18 reside with an adult who has a severe drinking problem. This environment often leads to behavioural issues with many children from such homes acting out in socially unacceptable ways. Alarmingly over half of the juveniles involved in delinquent activities come from families struggling with alcoholism.

The situation is particularly concerning among the youth, who face increasing pressures and access to alcohol, leading to a range of negative outcomes from risky sexual behaviour to academic and social issues. Binge drinking’s prevalence is alarmingly high and is a contributing factor in new HIV infections with significant impacts observed in low-income communities.

In another study binge drinking statistics reveal a worrying trend with 43.0% of drinkers reported as binge drinkers. This behaviour is not uniformly distributed across demographics with certain racial and gender groups more likely to engage in binge drinking than others. The prevalence of binge drinking among males and females aged 25 – 34 years highlights a critical period where interventions might be most effective.

Teenage binge drinking poses a significant threat to youth development in South Africa with alcohol abuse escalating across the nation. highlights the alarming impact, noting that about 12% of all deaths in South Africa are linked to accidents and violence fueled by heavy and binge drinking, which also risks brain damage among the youth.

A 2022 report reveals that 44% of teenagers aged 15 to 19 engage in binge drinking, indicating widespread alcohol consumption among those 14 to 17 years old.’s CEO, Carmen Mohapi, stresses that the focus isn’t on the morality of underage drinking but on its harmful effects on young bodies and the danger it poses to lives. To combat this, the organization has launched a national campaign aimed at behavioural change, involving educational programs for school learners and advocacy for stricter enforcement against selling alcohol to minors, alongside promoting engaging youth activities that provide positive alternatives to drinking.

As one of the world’s most violent countries with injury and homicide rates far exceeding global averages, alcohol is a key contributor to this crisis. Heavy and binge drinking habits exacerbate the country’s injury epidemic, impacting young adults the most and significantly affecting families’ livelihoods. These issues are further complicated by the high levels of alcohol consumption with South Africa ranking sixth globally for adult per capita consumption.

This culture of intoxication, especially prevalent over weekends, leads to numerous societal issues, including liver cirrhosis, road traffic injuries and a notable role in the transmission and progression of infectious diseases like TB and HIV. Additionally, alcohol consumption is intricately linked with gender-based violence (GBV), driving the frequency and severity of partner abuse. The implementation of alcohol sales bans and curfews during lockdowns demonstrated a marked decrease in unnatural deaths, highlighting the need for comprehensive strategies to reduce alcohol harm.

While participants of a another study involving South African teens, downplayed the influence of advertising, it was evident that it shaped their self-perception and views of their peers, particularly regarding drinking habits.

In South Africa, the practice of alcohol product bundling, which pairs food items like braai pack meats or chocolates with alcoholic beverages in promotional deals, is common. This marketing strategy has evolved with the alcohol industry leveraging symbols of national pride, such as “braai packs”. These packs, aimed at promoting the South African tradition of braaing, include pre-packaged meat alongside alcoholic drinks, typically beer to boost alcohol sales.

The same study demonstrated that alcohol plays a significant role in how teenagers explore and express their identities, particularly within social gatherings. This exploration is deeply connected to their social standing, peer relationships and the broader historical backdrop of South Africa. According to discussions with female university students, young people often view drinking as a way to boost their social status. These observations, however, spotlight that experiences vary widely within different community settings.

Teens are seen turning to alcohol to bolster their social confidence and manage feelings of low self-esteem, believing that intoxication allows them to freely express themselves. The effects of alcohol also tend to reduce their inhibitions, leading them into risky behaviors, particularly in sexual contexts, where alcohol acts as a “social lubricant”. The participants pointed out that this behaviour enables young people to assert their identity while simultaneously giving them an excuse for their actions, as they often attribute any irresponsible behaviour to being drunk, avoiding personal accountability.

Beyond the obvious scope of mayhem and violence, alcohol use contributes to a range of indirect public health and safety issues. The risk of developing cancer directly escalates with the amount of alcohol consumed, prompting advisories for people to reduce their drinking or consider abstaining altogether. Engaging in ‘binge’ drinking, defined as consuming five or more alcoholic beverages in one sitting, significantly amplifies this risk.

Many individuals might not realise that consuming alcohol, even in modest quantities, can elevate the risk of cancer. The challenges to health presented by both moderate and excessive alcohol use are substantial. The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) advises the public to reflect on the impact alcohol has on their health and its repercussions for those close to them.

Many individuals grappling with alcohol and substance abuse find themselves in denial or resistant to seeking treatment, largely due to societal expectations and cultural norms. The stigma associated with rehab, coupled with the fear of judgment from peers and family, often creates barriers to accessing help.

WeDoRecover provides a confidential and professional service that not only helps individuals navigate the complexities of financing rehab but also ensures the safety and support of families throughout the process. Offering a discreet pathway to recovery, WeDoRecover addresses these challenges breaking down the barriers to treatment and facilitating a process towards healing.

Conversation With Gareth Carter of

“At WeDoRecover, we’re all about connecting people to the right rehab services. The alcohol issue here is complex and touches many lives. Our job is to listen, understand each person’s story and guide them or their families to a place that can help, no matter the depth of their struggle.”

“It’s about recognising the diversity of experiences with alcohol in our country. That’s why we tailor our advice, ensuring we match each person with a rehab that’s right for them, considering every factor at play in their life.”

The WHO pointed out some alarming trends. How is WeDoRecover addressing these?

“Those reports light a fire under us. They’re a call to action. We’re here to ensure people know there’s help, providing a bridge to recovery. Our goal is to reduce those statistics, one person, one family at a time.”

“Helping individuals is the first step toward wider change. Every person we assist is one less contributing to those grim statistics. We believe in ripple effects—help someone change their life and you’re also changing the community around them.”

What would you say to someone who’s unsure about reaching out?

“I’d say, don’t let hesitation hold you back. Asking for help is brave. It’s the first step toward a better life and we’re here to support you through that journey, judgment-free.”

“In South Africa, where the challenge of alcohol abuse ranges from teenage binge drinking to chronic alcoholism, WeDoRecover is simply an unbiased counselling service provides essential over-the-phone advice, guiding families and loved ones towards appropriate treatment options.”

“The diverse backgrounds and unique situations of those struggling with alcohol-related issues, WeDoRecover connects individuals with rehab centers across the country that will actually help them and not waste their time and money.”

Whether the concern involves occasional excessive drinking or deep-seated alcohol dependency, WeDoRecover offers a compassionate and knowledgeable approach to finding the right path to recovery for anyone in need.

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